Jawbone Up changed my life

The up is a bracelet that tracks your everyday movements and sleep patterns

Despite its silly name, the Jawbone Up is probably the most exciting thing since the iPad came out. Its bracelet like form factor snaps on your wrist, allowing you to track your every waking (and sleeping) movement on your phone.

Basically it’s a glorified step counter.

It has mundane features like how many calories you’ve burned, how far you’ve walked, and you’re “active” time, but it can also wake you up during a power nap after you’ve slept for exactly 35 minutes or vibrate when you’re idle for more than 15 minutes.

There are another 4 especially brilliant features.

Feature #1: It can track how long you’re at the office

This isn’t a standalone feature, it’s a byproduct of the step counter feature. Since I don’t move around at the office a lot, you can clearly tell when I arrive at the office and leave. Perfect for convincing your boss that you belong in the adjacent salary bracket.


Feature #2:) It tracks your sleep

This is easily the best feature and why you want to buy the Up instead of the Fuel, Fitbit or an iPhone sleep tracking app. Unlike the Fitbit It’s always on your wrist so it’s easy to sleep with and will always give accurate stats even if your baby spoon moved the bed (which will ruin the iPhone sleep apps’ accuracy).

There are a few drawbacks. The first is the psychological effect of knowing you didn’t get enough sleep so you might think your ability to complete tasks has decreased. The second is I wake up 2 or 3 times during the night and it didn’t pick up on that – so it’s not completely accurate.


Feature #3: Integrates with RunKeeper

RunKeeper is an app on your iPhone that tracks when you put one foot in front of another quickly. Up will pull in RunKeeper’s data and include that in the daily summary which is a great touch – especially since Up can’t determine if you’re running or just walking.


Feature #4: The best alarm clock ever

And it’s not because it will wake up feeling refreshed during your “light phase” of sleep. It’s because Ups alarm vibrates your wrist – so that only you wake up. Perfect for minimizing collateral damage if there is another warm blooded creature in your sack.
