perfect to do list on an iphone

I’ve tried every to do app and this is the only method that has stuck.

First grab a good multi-device notetaking app (Evernote, Simple Note, or IAWriter)

Make new note and call it “Today

Write down the current date, and separate tasks into categories, something like:

  • Office
  • Personal
  • Side Hustle

Create a new heading for the date and copy the 3 categories. Then write down each task you need to complete today.

As you go through your day cross each one off and feel the stream of dopamine trickle through your synapses. Tomorrow, create a new heading for the date and copy the 3 categories along with anything you didn’t get crossed off.

This is my favourite system because:
1) Since it’s just one big document you can easily see what you’ve done 3 weeks ago
2) Your tasks aren’t in a proprietary app
3) Since previous days tasks are carried over you’ll realize that some tasks aren’t very important and eventually be removed (natural selection)


  1. Don’t put an impossible to complete amount of tasks for each day – you just won’t want to look at your list
  2. Use a calendar if the task has a specific time/date. Ex: Pick up groceries for friday, put winter tyres on saturday.
  3. Every morning/the previous night run through your list, if there is too much put a future date and time in your calendar to tackle it.
